Friday, April 15, 2011

A Zombie Revolution

George A. Romero, often referred to as the "Grandfather of the Zombie," revolutionized the horror industry with his very first feature film, Night of the Living Dead. Its impact on our culture is felt even to this day. When it was first released in theaters in 1968, many criticized its explicit content and wouldn’t even give it a chance. Yet it eventually received critical acclaim and changed the way we make horror films. Before Romero, there were films that portrayed zombies as regular people being mind controlled by Voodoo. But ever since, there hasn’t been a time when a "Romero zombie" flick wasn’t being made.

I was a very young when I first saw it (I think I was about 7 years old), so I was pretty terrified but also very intrigued, I had never seen a movie like it before. I think I was falling in love…and from that moment I had become a lover of zombie films, my older brother helped “fuel the fire,” being a fan of horror flicks before I was. I'd like this blog to help give more insight on Romero's life before and after his successes, and how he changed American culture, not just in the film industry.

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